Meet Our People: Jenn

May 31, 2021

Jenn is our Bookkeeper at Hatchett Design Remodel. As a spouse of an active duty solider in the US Army, Jenn, her husband and their three boys are currently stationed at Ft. Eustis. She is a native of Florida, but they have decided to make Hampton Roads their forever home. After years of moving around the globe, Jenn’s life experiences and her interests are wide and eclectic. Her interests include – but are not limited to – musical theater, roller derby and volunteering.

Jenn and Husband Military Ball

Being an active volunteer and serving on the boards of various organizations has helped Jenn and her family quickly adapt to whatever community they found themselves in. She looks forward to growing some roots here in Hampton Roads, and we are certainly hope she stays at Hatchett for a very long time.

Jenn Bookkeeper

If you haven’t yet had a chance to meet Jenn, here are her answers to a few questions that will help you get to know her better.
How did you become a part of the Hatchett team?
I started in the construction industry when I was 19 years old as a receptionist and copy girl. I learned every part of the business office that I could, from permitting to blueprint reading and take-offs. I worked my way up to Payroll Specialist and Bookkeeper before the Army took me overseas, and I switched to tax accounting. After (finally!) receiving my degree in Accounting at age 40 and moving back stateside, I continued tax accounting at 2 other duty stations – but I was never happy. Once we moved here to VA and decided to settle here permanently, I started looking for a position that would bring me back to the industry that I fell in love with so long ago.
What is your favorite thing about working at Hatchett?
The people and the process. I know that is technically two, but I cannot just pick one. They go hand in hand. Without the type of people here, the process would not work – no egos and no drama. Just everyday, hardworking people dedicated to doing the best they can for each and every client (whether it is a signed client or tracking down a referral to give someone, because what they need is out of our scope). That is the type of ethical, honest, and above-board culture I want to work for, and I am lucky enough to be a part of that value system here at Hatchett Design Remodel.
Jenn Roller Derby
What do you like to do when you’re not working?
Everything! I am so new to the Hampton Roads community that nothing is off limits! Music concerts, festivals, local hikes, poking into new restaurants, discovering new places to shop, sporting events, just about anything goes! This area is so rich in things to do that I am discovering new places and things to do all the time (even during a pandemic!). I am an active volunteer and currently serve on the board of my local community pool, as well as a foster mommy for litters of kittens with The Heritage Humane Society in Williamsburg. I have also recently been accepted in the Newport News Master Gardener’s program that will start in the fall and am excited to start that as my spouse will be heading to Korea for his last deployment before retiring!
Jenn Volunteer Kitten Foster
That’s Jenn! Please help us welcome her to Hatchett Design Remodel when you get a chance to meet her in person. And when you’re ready to remodel your kitchen, bathroom or addition, our entire team is here to help. Feel free to call or visit our showrooms in Newport News or Virginia Beach. Remember… “it costs nothing to ask!”

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