Project Previsit Survey

We appreciate you choosing us for your project. Prior to meeting, we’d like to get a better understanding of what you want to do.

*It is recommended that this survey be taken on a desktop or tablet. If using a mobile device, you might have to scroll to see all answer options.

What is your name?*

What is your name?*

What is your preferred email address?*

What is your preferred email address?*

Who is your remodeling consultant?

Who is your remodeling consultant?

Project Priorities*

Please number each of the following statements on a scale of 1 through 5 as it pertains to your project.

(1) being not a problem for us, no impact; (5) being a serious problem, need this fixed

Project Priorities*

Please number each of the following statements on a scale of 1 through 5 as it pertains to your project.

(1) being not a problem for us, no impact; (5) being a serious problem, need this fixed

1 - Not a problem, no impact
2 - A slight problem, not high on the list of priorities
3 - Neutral
4 - A high priority amongst others
5 - A serious problem, need this fixed
It's dated and needs a fresh look.
I get frustrated by the lack of functional space and/or layout.
I’m unhappy with the cabinet/storage space.
Space is not ideal for entertaining.
I wish the room was larger and/or an open concept.
I am concerned about accessibility and aging in place.
Project Timelines

I have been considering this project for...*

I have been considering this project for...*

I am hoping to have this project completed by...*

I am hoping to have this project completed by...*

Project Concerns

As it relates to completing this project, select all that apply.*

As it relates to completing this project, select all that apply.*

When it comes to being committed to doing something to address all of the concerns above, on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being totally committed to doing something, we are a...*

When it comes to being committed to doing something to address all of the concerns above, on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being totally committed to doing something, we are a...*